Friday, May 24, 2013

Has the world lost the last shred of humanity that it had .

All We are , We are? is that it .

Let them eat cake said Marie Antoinette. Stop eating fast food Said Michelle Obama wear an extra sweater said her husband Barrack . all the while they were dining on Japanese beef and having parties in their wonderfully heated and meanwhile the rest of us were freezing and going without . I personally have a bad leg that could be fixed if this country cared at all about it's people.

Friday, March 29, 2013

North Korea you better stop it !

We  the people of this planet want live in peace , breathe clean air, raise our children in peace and safety and I know your Grand father and your father were both Jokes so prove to the rest of us that you are not a joke and join us in a good fight against fear and tyranny, Oh crap I just woke up and realized that we Don't stand  a chance so if you don't want to get along then let's get it on you punk we got bin Laden and now we're coming for you.