Wednesday, August 8, 2012

“For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.” Psalm 149:4 NIV

Midnight tonight listen and you will here the voice of God even if you are asleep you will here his voice and then you will know exactly what you need to do from here on out if you listen and pray for guidance before you go to sleep and understand that you are not part of this world anymore you will know the truth about everything and the truth will set you free from all of the bondage that this world and it's inhabitants are about face. We need to know that god loves and wants us as his children and tonight he will show us that exact thing. Look ,listen and learn for God will either come and show you a vision , A dream or you will hear his voice .Now take o moment to pray for yourself so that God can show you how much he loves you and remain silent while you wait for his divine intervention upon your life it will be a life changing event.


Gods ranger

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