Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12:3-5 (in Context) Daniel 12 (Whole Chapter)

In this modern world of computers, cell phones and all of these other new gadgets which become obsolete in six months or less and how fast we can learn new things.we as a society seem to forget our basic common sense. All of you that think that people who are so old that they can't even figure out how to send an e - mail means they must be too stupid to do anything at all it's a wonder that even they know how to breathe. Well here is my answer to that. Please engage your brain before operating your mouth. lets say an E.M.P. blast went off and destroyed all forms of communications and took  out all of the satellites  in space and all of our electrical grids, would you be able to figure out how to do anything even survive. If the answer is no, then your next question should be  who's  stupid now. My advice to you is find somebody right now that is older than than the personal computer tell them that you are sorry for calling them stupid and ask them very nicely if they would be so kind as to teach you how to survive . I'm only telling you this because you will need this knowledge real soon because of what is going on in the world. So go to your Grand parents,  you will see that they are a plethora  of wealth when it comes to information that you will need. Today I'm telling don't trust the news media because they aren't going to tell you anything of any importance until it's too late. So trust in the Lord but tie up your mule. If that statement confused you go find your Grand parents and I'm sure they will explain it to you.

I Love you all and I'll be praying for you, so until next time God willing, this is Gods ranger who will always be  in  Gods service and yours. Good day.

Paul Harvey may you rest in peace.

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