Soon if you are not very careful you are going to become a slave to a system of slavery worse than you already are. Why do I think that you are in bondage already! It is because we as a society have become so dependant on technology that if by Heavens above anything happened to our computers or our communications I.E. telephones , televisions , radios or any other electronic devices. listen if you think that I'm wrong just think of this how this would affect you. would you be able to play your online games if you didn't have a computer to access the Internet would you be able to make a telephone call if all forms communications I.E. cellphone towers and all of the electrical system infrastructures were suddenly destroyed . How would you survive if your car could not function because all of the electrical systems were disabled because of an E. M.P. blast of any form. At any moment all of these things will come crashing down all around us and we as a society will have to become self sufficient for a short time so what we need to do is set down with our families and make a plan on how we are going to deal with these things, how we as family units are going to handle life without these things as our fore fathers did before us . Remember these things, you don't have much time left to prepare and that all of these devices will be tools of the Anti - Christ to institute his mark upon you and your families. Right now whatever internet system you are using is watching Your activities very carefully to see what you are up to so they can sell this information to anybody they can to make a profit off you and as soon as the government starts regulating the web they wont have to pay a bounty to your I.S.P. for any of your questionable activities such as all of us nasty Christians and Jews that are warning us about Gods wrath soon to come and telling people to not trust their government because that is just plain old terrorism and we need to stop them before the people find out the truth for themselves. think about it. ummm?, hun, I might just be right so find out for yourselves don't just take my word for it, do some research for yourselves to confirm that what I am saying is true and keep your eyes wide open or these things will jump up and bite you in the butt.
I love you all and will continue as always to pray for of you.
Gods ranger
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