Monday, May 7, 2012

His time has come be prepared for Yahweh's word to come alive now!

In a few day's we will experience the true color's of the U.S.S.A.coming to light and what will come of our country .The song  knocking on heaven's door comes to mind. This movement that we  are experiencing is nothing compared to what we will be seeing and  feeling soon because God don't do stupid and that is what the Obama administration is doing when it comes to Israelie lives and and his personal policies toward them and unfortunatily the rains shall fall on the just as well as the unjust and we will soon be under attack by forces that we are not ready to face . Sell your gold soon or you will be holding onto junk that's not worth anything samething with silver and fine stones. It will all be worthless and those of you that are still hoping the Obama adminstration will somehow take pity on you are sadly mistaken and you your children and everybody you know will suffer.because it don't matter what color your skin is , it's what your moral's are  all about . those of you that stay the course will be safe and sound because Yahweh alway's takes care of his children. Those of you that have young daughters need to watch them very closely for the next few month's because some bad disease of unknown origin will start killing them . It will seem like flu at first and then will explode and kill indisciminately

I will continually keep all of you in prayer I love all of with agape love no matter what you do .


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