Saturday, May 26, 2012

Time to reflect this weekend.

Memorial Day weekend what does that mean. I wonder if anybody remembers what that means.
Well this is what I think it  means, it is a time to gather our families together to reflect, to remember our loved ones that went on to their rewards ahead of us and to reflect on the sacrifices they made to secure our lifestyles. comfort and our  freedoms. A time to remember those that have educated us in the things that matter most. A time to remember how much we mean to each other. I personally do not think that it is a time to gather ourselves together to get drunk , beat the living snot out of each other then get behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle in a drunken stupor go out and kill ourselves or worse yet adding to some other families list of people to remember next memorial day by running them down and killing them.So when you gather  yourselves together first go to a church or a synagogue of your choice to pray a prayer of remembrance to our loved ones and our Soldiers, Sailors,Airmen and Marine Personnel that have given their lives for the cause of our freedom. Churches stop protesting military funerals and stop trying to change America into a Communist or socialist state. America one last thing to remember about yourselves, You are Americans start acting it. If you don't know what it means to be an American ask your grandparents and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to tell you what they know about the subject they are a plethora of information.

Until next time this is Gods ranger and I will be praying for you no matter who you are or where you are I will always love you with agape love.

Gods ranger

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