Jesus said I am the truth the way and the light no man comes to the the FATHER save through me. When Jesus taught us to pray HE prayed our FATHER who art in heaven ( speaking in present tense) HALLOWED BE THY NAME ( JEHOVAH EXODUS; chapter 6 verses 1 - 3 ) thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sinned against us ( remember that the next time somebody does something bad to you W.W.J.D) lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever amen. when Jesus said this he was confirming his place in his Father's kingdom as prince of peace to the creator of the universe seated at the right hand of his father. When Mary was told by the angel that she was chosen as the vessel to bring forth ( give flesh) to the word of god she accepted and then she conceived of the holy spirit in other words she accepted her order's from god to nurture his son to maturity she was a servant just like you and I not a deity . I am a catholic and that is one place but not the only place that I differ from the church I.E. the pope is not infallible no man is Jesus only Jesus only Jesus is Jesus, He and only he is the living SON OF GOD and all Christian's will be saved not JUST CATHOLICS. Jesus himself when he was being killed looked down at Mary and he said he said woman (that being Mary ) behold your son meaning hug your son ( that being John her son) Mary was and is special because she was chosen by god as his vessel to give flesh to his spirit but you should not worship her but learn from the word of god that she herself bore wittiness to.anyway in closing remember this for god so loved the world that he gave his only son whoever believes in him will be saved. to believe in Jesus means's to believe that he is gods son and that he brought forth his father's word because he did not come into this world to destroy the laws of Moses but through him they would be fulfilled. If i sent a message to another city via my son and he said exactly what I said to tell them then they would have gotten my message and would have said you know something like this your just like your dad it's like he was here with us. the word Emanuele means's god is with us and it mean's the same thing that I just wrote about my son.
I.N.H S. godsranger
P.S. no I'm not God nor his son Jesus I'm just me a messenger.
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