Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm right and your wrong!

This  is the one thing that I'm pretty sure of that these two statements are the one thing that have caused all wars in history. instead of looking at things from each others perspectives we all want to be right. so we become stubborn and set in our ways. we as a race are about to  exterminate our selves and there is no place to run and no place to hide.Here's why consider this for a moment  if you will a meteorite the size of Texas slams into the earth and hits Yellowstone  national park splitting the caldera there and causing it to go off  and four  magnitude 10 earthquakes hit splitting  entire land masses into many pieces causing tsunami's  1000 feet high would you know where to hide no bunker will save you. This scenario is unlikely to happen but it could. plan for the worst and hope for the best. The only sure way to survive these things is to get right with god.. In the next few months March maybe April  we are going to be in for it the Jewish holiday of Purim falls in March and Israel has had to save herself many times before at this time and she'll have to do it again at that time and the month of April U.S.S.A. will go to war as well ,look at American history and you'll see why. Please get right with god Pray for and love each other and may the good lord Jesus keep us all  safe from all harm so that Yahweh's  wrath will be easy on  all. of us we're all in this together. Until next time God willing.

I. H. S.  godsranger

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