18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelations 13 verse 18.
I know people say that 666 was the name of emperor Nero and it was. But that was also Johns way of describing what the anti Christ would be like for our time and type of person to look for. 666 is a mind set of a person that has anti Christ ways, thoughts and actions. Ways, this is a person that will try to prove and disprove two different things 1. God is not real.2.Gods word is irrelevant and false. 2 . Hate everything that Jesus stood for. In these days of electronic surveillance George Orwell's book 1984 comes to mind, in the book he wrote of Big brother watching you.It did not even come close to what is going on now . Buy, sell , trade unless you take this mark you will not be able to do any of these things. For now the government is just watching you here in the good old U.S.A. If you have given your exact location of your address of where you live or given blood or had a hospital visit or surgical procedure done to you the government has already taken a census on you and knows everything that you eat, when you sleep when and where you work.They know your habits and so on and so on. Smart cards that means that you have a card with an r d f chip implanted in it and the banking (F.D.I.C.) knows every transaction that you make every thing you bought or sold or traded. When the government has lulled you into that nice warm fuzzy feeling of you trusting them to take care of all of your worries and they will ( just ask the people of China or Russia ) you will be told that you will be that in order to buy sell or trade that you will have to carry and present a given national I.D. card. Now you might think that I'm full of bovine fecal matter but just try to buy a weapon and see if the government doesn't require you to show proper I.D. and want to know everything about you. when they require you to carry a national I.D. card they will say it is to keep you safe but whenever the Government says anything about peace and safety RUN for life because they just want to enslave you just ask anyone that survived Hitlers regime of W.W. II. Right now as I am writing this at any given time anyone with a portable card reader can steal your credit card numbers just by standing close to you. These things that I'm writing are to warn you of whats to come . soon the D.H.S. will tell you that You need a national I.D. to keep you safe from terrorism, hackers and thieves it will seem perfectly logical to you and when you lose that I.D. card they will tell you to get an R.F.D. implant. so you wont lose it anymore they will tell you that your right hand or forehead will be the best place to implant them for best usage. if you refuse you won't be able by law to buy sell or trade they do it to your children and pets so its safe right???.
I love you all and I'll be praying for you.
I.H.S. godsranger
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